I love the idea of painting a solid panel for an ohshoot backdrop. Especially, in the windy Gorge! I learned my lesson trying to hang a paper backdrop---- did NOT work. I need somthing that can withstand the wind.
I can see these peek-a-boo panels being custom crafted for birthday parties. Even really fun weddings. Well, any event for that matter.
my friend Jennifer Mydock is a very talented artist. Jennifer lives in Hawaii, and has been creating these amazing cartoon boards for friends and family. Lucky them! She has inspirered me to give it a go. Take a look at the boards she has painted for birthday parties. Soooo fun.
the first three images are examples of Jennifer's work.
the following images are part of my 'inspiration' folder.
my first chalkboard wall at hennis kitchen and bar. sarah morton-erasmus, the co-owner of henni's (a dearest friend) wrote this amazing irish proverb for the opening night of the annex dinning area... which is modern and amazing.
"laugher is greatest, where food is best"
go to henni's and enjoy and amazing meal and check to see what the wall illustration will be. it is currently a vintage illustration of washington state. so cool.
inspiration: ACE hotel in portland. our room had an amazing charcoal gray wall + an organic illustration.
Ohshoot! is making sweet cherries!
armed with paper, scissors and hot glue... little cherry props have been constructed. crowns + cherry garland + giant paper blossoms, and giant round red balloons.
the ohshoot!photobooth was sponsored by Lone Pine Village: a unique mixed-use development offering the only opportunity to live in a waterfront village in the Gorge.
special thanks: lone pine village and the dalles, oregon for having a cherry festival!
+ amy goheen and jennifer kern for manning the booth. i love ya.